Christmas winter Snowman cardinal doll creation Folk art by penny

It is said when a cardinal comes to visit it is actually a loved one from Heaven visiting. “ Sonny“ the Snow man was created from from fabric and his head is hand painted. I also made his lil cardinal bird. He and friends will be available this coming Sunday Nov 5th in my shop at (1pm pacific)(2pm mountain)(3pm central)(4pm eastern) time zones. Gravel was added to his innards for a nice weighted feel.His head and part of his body are hand painted. His red coat is a red fabric. He has been glittered with a paint that does not shatter glitter all over. Sonny stands 11" tall. His hat, cardinal are all hand made by me.
He has been signed and dated. He will ship priority mail with insurance the following business day.
Sonny is Christmasy(is that a word?) but could be displayed all winter long.
For display and not a Childs toy.